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COMMENTS: First Night; COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 5 (CBI)
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First Night; COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 5 (CBI)The Gatherers Saga: Part 1 of 18 - "First Night" Script by Bob Harras. Pencils by Steve Epting. Inks by Tom Palmer. Cover by Steve Epting and Tom Palmer. A new era begins for Earth's Mightiest Heroes as Crystal and Luna move into Avengers Mansion and the new Thor (aka Erik Masterson) joins the team! After a distress call comes in from the Human Torch, the new lineup of Avengers springs into action for the first time! The Vision leads Crystal, Hercules, Thor, and the Black Knight to Four Freedoms Plaza to rescue the Fantastic Four! But en route to the FF's famous headquarters, the quintet of avengers are ambushed by…the Swordsman! Hold on, how is that possible?
First Night; COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 5 (CBI)
Highest Graded
First Night; COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 5 (CBI)
Highest Graded