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COMMENTS: white pages
Jack Kirby cvr/art; 1st meeting of X-Men and Avengers; 1st app of Lucifer; Marvel Girl pin-up
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Jack Kirby cvr/art; 1st meeting of X-Men and Avengers; 1st app of Lucifer; Marvel Girl pin-up
X-Men #9 is a fan favorite for bringing together the Avengers and the X-Men, with Jack Kirby's classic cover cramming in an amazing amount of action. The Avengers arrive in Europe after Thor detects strange emissions from a bomb rigged by Professor X's old foe Lucifer (making his first appearance). Professor X has also summoned the X-Men, which leads to the usual initial battle between the heroes before Professor X intervenes. After this vital first meeting, of course, the Avengers would often recruit mutants into the team. That's enough important history right there, although some fans also track down this book for Jack Kirby's famous Marvel Masterwork Pin-Up of Marvel Girl.
Jack Kirby cover/art; 1st meeting X-Men & Avengers; 1st app of Lucifer; COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 7 (CBI)
Jack Kirby cover/art; 1st meeting X-Men & Avengers; 1st app of Lucifer; COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 7 (CBI)