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    YOUNG ROMANCE COMICS (1947-63) V14 #4
    Prize VG/F: 5.0
    ow pgs; first copy we've ever offered!
    #112; An Ogre Entered Eden
    Tremont Copy
    ow pgs; first copy we've ever offered!
    #112; An Ogre Entered Eden
    Tremont Copy
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    YOUNG ROMANCE COMICS (1947-63) V13 #4
    Prize VF-: 7.5
    glossy! ow/white pgs; 1st copy we've ever offered!
    #104. scarce
    glossy! ow/white pgs; 1st copy we've ever offered!
    #104. scarce
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    YOUNG ROMANCE COMICS (1947-63) V4 #4
    Prize CGC VG: 4.0
    ow/white pgs
    #28; Kirby-a; photo cover
    ow/white pgs
    #28; Kirby-a; photo cover
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    YOUNG ROMANCE COMICS (1947-63) V8 #5
    Prize VF-: 7.5
    glossy! ow/white pgs
    glossy! ow/white pgs
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    YOUNG ROMANCE COMICS (1947-63) V12 #6
    Prize VG/F: 5.0
    S&K art
    S&K art
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    YOUNG ROMANCE COMICS (1947-63) V5 #7
    Prize VG/VG-: 3.8
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    YOUNG ROMANCE COMICS (1947-63) V8 #7
    Prize G-: 1.8
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    YOUNG ROMANCE COMICS (1947-63) V6 #8
    Prize VF+: 8.5
    Simon & Kirby
    Simon & Kirby
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    YOUNG ROMANCE COMICS (1947-63) V3 #8
    Prize VF-: 7.5
    #20; Simon & Kirby
    #20; Simon & Kirby
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    YOUNG ROMANCE COMICS (1947-63) V6 #10
    Prize G+: 2.5
    S&K art #58
    S&K art #58
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    YOUNG ROMANCE COMICS (1947-63) V3 #12
    Prize VF/NM: 9.0
    only copy we've ever offered!
    scarce; wedding photo cvr
    D Copy
    only copy we've ever offered!
    scarce; wedding photo cvr
    D Copy
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    YOUNG ROMANCE COMICS (1947-63) V4 #12
    Prize VG+: 4.5
    #36 S&K/Toth art
    #36 S&K/Toth art
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    YOUNG ROMANCE COMICS (1963-75) #130
    DC G+: 2.5
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    YOUNG ROMANCE COMICS (1963-75) #139
    DC VF-: 7.5
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    YOUNG ROMANCE COMICS (1963-75) #144
    DC F/VF: 7.0
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    YOUNG ROMANCE COMICS (1963-75) #145
    DC G+: 2.5
    rare; gogo check cover
    rare; gogo check cover
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    (Stock Image)
    YOUNG ROMANCE COMICS (1963-75) #152
    DC G/VG: 3.0
    ow pgs
    scarce; All I Want is You
    ow pgs
    scarce; All I Want is You
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    YOUNG ROMANCE COMICS (1963-75) #156
    DC VG: 4.0
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    YOUNG ROMANCE COMICS (1963-75) #180
    DC CGC NM: 9.4
    crm/ow pgs
    52 pages; Love Hollywood Style
    crm/ow pgs
    52 pages; Love Hollywood Style
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    YOUNG ROMANCE COMICS (1963-75) #180
    DC VF-: 7.5
    ow pgs
    52 pages; Love Hollywood Style
    ow pgs
    52 pages; Love Hollywood Style
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